Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
Professionalism Accolades Report Form

We value professionalism at the University of Alberta.

The professionalism accolades report form is a means to formally acknowledge and report “over-and-above” professional behaviours and actions. What did you appreciate and/or admire in how this person or people helped or handled things? We welcome description of a situation of professional behaviours and/or professional attributes of a person.

If you have witnessed a member of our FoMD or healthcare community upholding the highest standards of professionalism within any of the learning environments of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, please use the accolades form to report this.

All submitted accolades forms will be reviewed at the regular, bi-monthly meetings of the Professionalism Triage Committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.

These forms will help to identify individuals for recognition and/or awards related to professionalism.

For a full review of the professionalism accolades reporting process, please click here.

Accolade Type

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry upholds a core set of professionalism values, including, but not limited to (FoMD professionalism values):

  • Honesty, integrity, and confidentiality
  • Respect and civility
  • Responsible behaviour
  • Excellence and inquiry

Excellence is professionalism may look like:

  • demonstrating respect for a patient's decision, despite conflict with one's own beliefs
  • "going the extra mile" to make something good happen for a patient or a colleague
  • demonstrating excellent work-life boundaries to promote self-health
  • tactfully redirecting others in cases of unprofessional conduct from colleagues
  • consistently demonstrating a positive attitude towards work and others

Those who exemplify these values should be acknowledged. The accolades form is one key mechanism for doing this.

Do you feel that the events that have taken place reflect excellence in professionalism within the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry?

No Yes
Accolade Type

Please come back when you encounter an event that reflects high levels of professionalism in medicine and dentistry.

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Accolades Report

This form should be used for reporting accolades only and should not be used for reporting of concerns of student mistreatment or lapses in professionalism. Concerns of student mistreatment or lapses in professionalism should be reported via Professionalism Concern Reporting.

All accolades will be acknowledged within 4-8 weeks of submission.

Please summarize the events including details such as:

  • Describe a situation of professional behaviour and/or professional attributes of a person or people
  • Describe what you appreciated and/or admired in how they helped or handled things
  • Nature of their behavior
  • Names of all those individuals involved EXCEPT PATIENTS
  • Time and location (if applicable)
  • Whether you experienced the occurrence yourself or witnessed someone else experiencing it

Please note: The description of the events must be made in good faith and to your best recollection. Filing of a false, frivolous, vexatious, or malicious report will be considered a professionalism lapse.

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Confidentiality and Anonymity

The FoMD will protect confidentiality and respect anonymity, should it be requested by you.

All professionalism accolades reporting form will be handled and reported in a confidential manner by the professionalism panel such that reporter identity will be protected unless required by law or University policy.

Should you choose to submit this report anonymously, no identifiable information will be collected. Please note that anonymous reporting may hinder follow-up reporting mechanisms. As a result, the FoMD would like to recommend submitting your report in confidence to the FoMD program.

Should you choose to submit this report confidentially, you will be asked to provide an email address. You may then receive further contact should we require more information.

For a description of this reporting mechanism, please click here.

Thank you for your confidence. Please provide your name and email for further confidential contact.

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Accolade Submitted Successfully

Thank you for your submission. A notification has been sent to the designated professionalism committee member notifying them of your submission. Your report will be reviewed in as timely a fashion as possible.

If you have not received a response in as timely a fashion as possible, please email fomdprof@ualberta.ca.
