This form should be used for reporting racism concerns only and should not be used for emergencies.
All forms will be reviewed within 3 business days of submission, and triaged according to level of urgency.
You will be contacted by a triage officer within 3 business days of submission. Note: we are unable to respond to anonymously placed concerns due to not having the reporter's contact information. We can only contact those who provide their names and contact information.
Please summarize the events including details such as:
- Nature of the concern(s)
- Names of all those individuals involved EXCEPT PATIENTS
- Precise time and location
- Whether you experienced the concern(s) yourself or witnessed someone else experiencing it
Please note: The events of the concern(s) must be made in good faith and to your best recollection. Filing of a false, frivolous, vexatious, or malicious report will be considered a professionalism lapse.